Having control over one’s reproductive system is an essential part of healthcare, and everyone deserves to have autonomy to make these important decisions for themselves. The issue I have, as a naturopathic doctor, is that the pill is readily prescribed for any menstrual concern without any investigation into why the symptom is occurring in the first place.

Symptoms are the body’s way of communicating. Sometimes menstrual symptoms are due to a disease process, sometimes they are due to functional hormonal imbalances, and sometimes they are signs of depletion – nutritional, nervous system or otherwise. Whatever the symptom is, I think that every person deserves the space to discuss the relevance and impact it has on them with their doctor and figure out a path forward to learning why it’s happening in the first place. Below are symptoms I regularly work up with hormonal lab testing:

1.  Irregular Periods – irregular periods can be due to PCOS, thyroid disease, and overexercising/nutrient depletion.
2.  Severe PMS – whether the symptoms are more physical or emotional, hormonal labs can provide insight to how to support the cycle. Progesterone is a key player in PMS symptoms.
3.  Acne – hormonal acne is often due to elevated androgen hormones (DHEA and testosterone), which can be addressed with hormonal and nutritional support
4.  Pelvic Pain – pelvic pain is a worrisome symptom for many people and needs a thorough evaluation with lab work and imaging.

These are some of the symptoms that bring people to my office. They want to have a clear treatment approach that solves the issue, but even more than that, they want to understand why it’s happening in the first place. Body literacy and body autonomy go hand in hand. We can’t move forward with feeling like we are partners with our body if we don’t understand the body’s inner workings. I am here to help you understand why these symptoms are occurring and to be your partner in solving them within the framework that feels the most therapeutic to you whether it ends up being a birth control pill, a different hormonal medication, or botanical extracts to balance your cycle.

©2021 Dr. Ariel Touchet